November 18, 2004

Big, life changing news...

...Burlington is getting a HOOTERS! I know. You are just as excited as I am. Now I know where I can work part time, if I need to. ha ha ha ha ha! It was a big item on the news last night. From what the report said, Hooters will be opening up it's first Vermont restaurant in good ol' Burlington. Maybe it was South Burlington. I can't remember. It's like saying It's opening up in North Hollywood, and it is really opening up in Toluca Lake. Semantics. There was one in Plattsburgh that closed after a few months because of lack of interest. I am sure there is going to be protesting and people will try their hardest to prevent it from opening next year. Who cares? Does it demoralize women? Well, I bet the women who work their know exactly what they are getting into. Will men think less of us because of Hooters? I doubt it. Afterall, they just go for the wings, right?

Last night I went to Sears and checked out the University Mall. For those of you who've been to Southcoast Plaza or even the Glendale Galleria, don't think this is as big as those are. It ain't no Mall of America either, but it is neat, clean, well-lit and has about four department stores (Kohls, Sears, JC Penny and Bon Ton) a Victoria's Secret, Spencer Gifts and a dozen or so other shops to please Vermontiers. It is suppose to be the biggest mall in the state. Yup. That's what they say.

It's cloudy and warmish. No rain or snow yet. This weekend we are suppose to have lovely weather. Yippee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The University Mall is the largest in the state? Oh my gawd Becki...that's really, I dunno, kind of sad.

Did you know that Hooters owns an airline now?

I'll tell you want I want to see. I want to see a restaurant opent up called "Cojones".