January 28, 2005

More on abortion, motherhood proposal and it's the weekend!

I have been thinking this week about the church topic of abortion. This is also in response to one of the comments left by you, dear readers. I don't have too many friends who have shared with me the painful experience of their own abortions. Nor have I ever had one. Nor have I ever had a friend come to me for advice or a good ear who thought about making such a difficult decision. I also don't know what I would do if I was actually in the position of having to make that choice for my own life, body and baby. I would like to say, that I wouldn't have an abortion. I think the church I attended should have spoken more on a solution rather than focusing on whether or not it is a life. Biologically, it is a living organism/being. Spiritually, I just am not sure. As Christians, if we believe that a pregnancy, no matter what stage the fetus is, is in fact, a life, what is our responsibility to that life? Are we willing to find help for that woman who doesn't wish to have that life whether it is in just educating her, or convincing her to "see the light" or assisting her in adopting that unwanted baby out to people who want it? On one hand we can say,"She made the mistake, so she should live with it." But I don't believe that all teen mothers, for example, should be teen mothers. So many times I hear zealous Christians condemn these women who don't want the baby, no matter what their situation is. But those same condeming Christians, aren't willing to see it through to the end. THAT, is where I have trouble. It sounded like the church is involved with a program that assists women in options. I am fine with that. I think I would like to go to this program and learn more about what they do. I, as a selfish human being, am not willing at this time in my life to adopt unwanted babies that might be facing termination. However, I am all for education with options. Adoption is rarely mentioned. Why is that? I could go on, but it is a frustrating and deep subject, not easy to understand. That's my piece, for now.

Now, for the motherhood proposal. I feel that is timely considering the abortion topic. LA1, asked me the other day to be the mother of his son. He has emphasised the fact that he lives near the Grove and is a single father. I have not inquired (nor will I) as to the reasons why he is a single dad. From his personality, I would guess that has something to do with it. Still, when he invoted me to be the mother of his kid, I was appalled and taken aback. I suppose it is a compliment. But from talking with him for the last two months, I just don't think we need to be that friendly with each other. Some of these clients and I have a great rapore, and I suppose LA1 thinks we do too. But truth be told, he's an obnoxious, demanding pain in the gazoink. I will be sooo happy when his project is done and we have nothing more to talk about. Still, this is the first proposal I have ever gotten. As Julie Brown sings in,"Because I'm a Blond," "It's a compliment I'll remember for as long as I can." Ick.

Sherri from New Hampshire will be coming tomorrow for the weekend. I am so excited. She'll be my first old friend guest. I am super excited. I will show her all around the exciting cosmopolitan city of Burlington. We might even journey to the Teddy Bear Factory. I am thinking of doing a wee game night too. Elissa and Carrie might join us for dinner and gaming. We shall see.

What a week it has been. Between the proposal from LA1 and LA2 snapping his head at me for not working feverishly on his project, I was pooped. The delightful thing for me (though it is shameful that I rejoice over one's misfortunes) is that LA2 had a bit of a financial setback and I can't work on his project until it is settled. ha ha ha ha ha. I am looking to relax and have a fun filled weekend, even if it is sitting around crocheting.

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