February 24, 2006

Client Flintstone just may be the death of me...

It's too early for me to really say that, but after a 89 minute call today and an hour-58 minute-29 second call Wednesday, it might just happen. Though we covered some good ground, there is a degree of "You will do this because I said so." in the converstation. Not from my people, from Client Flintstone. It grates on my nerves. Then in the same breath, they-who-have-not-a-clue say, "You are the experts. Whatever you think is best." I am exhausted and I have about 8 more weeks!

My client has been having trouble picking a design. First we tried something completely different than what they have. This went through a few iterations. Then we gave them almost exactly what they have. Didn't like that either. Went with the version before (with changes, of course.) I tried to get them to just pick one damn design and run with it. After talking about the changes on the one version, I said,"It's like shoe shopping. You don't know how it will fit until you try it on." What I really wanted to say was," It's like shoe shopping. You either buy flats, 1" heels, 2"heels, 3"heels or screw-me pumps. You want screw-me pumps AND flats. You can't have both." We offered them screw-me pumps. They'd get all kinds of desireable action. But nope. They are more comfortable in flats. Lame.

In becoming a good co-dependent martyr, one needs to dedicate as much time to the project as possible. Not that it is necessarily needed. Between my martyr complex, control issues and my ADD, if I work long hours 7 days a week, I just may get this baby birthed within a reasonable amount of time.

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