February 20, 2006

Busy week, eh? And da shit goes down at da stower...

Last week was extremely busy. Here's a rundown....

  • Valentine's Day - I got an e-card from my swell friend (thanks Stephanie!) I already talked about work. But sadly I didn't even get a card from my family. I know they love me and don't need a card once a year to remind me, but I thought I would get something in the snail mail! Sheesh! Whatever.
  • Wednesday - I ended up chatting with a co-worker and missed my OA meeting. However, I did manage to book my suite for my Oscar party. That should be a blast. Bowling was great. We kicked the Boyz asses. We had a sub (Brian) who did very well considering he had no handicap. I found that I need to work up to the ball I own, so as to not strain my back. It was really fun.
  • Thurs-Fri - a complete blur. I worked long hours on Client Flintstone. It was hard because there is so much to do. Not hard to do, just 46ish times over. Whew.
  • Sat - Lost 5lbs at WW. Yippee. I worked 1-7 at the gstore, then hung out at home. Exciting.
  • Sun - Went to church. Went to Costco with Asian Girl. I scoped out things for my Oscar party. I need to remember to be more moderate, though that isn't really a concept. I think if I was super rich, I wouldn't go tacky glam like Liberace, but I would be broke from spending in a short amount of time. Though lots of my spending would be for my friends, being the generous person I am. I napped and worked 5-11. The usual crazies there. There was some big action though. A guy tried to steal DVDs. Was busted with his girlfriend/wife by the cops when he tried to run and went across the street to our competitor. Turns out she stuffed/stole stuff under her shirt pretending she was preggers AND the car they were driving was stolen. BIG ACTION in Burlington. Who needs COPS, when it all goes down in Burlington? Wow. There were about 6 cop cars between our parking lot and the competitor. HUGE! AMAZING!

A funny true life story from my friend Anne....

She's a physics teacher for high school. Recently, they had a competition at the university for building bridges out of Leggos. One of her students had constructed a bridge with foam that, when dried, would (I think) push or support the bridge. I am sure it was brilliant. So the student gets to the event and discovers his foam isn't dry. Another student has the brilliant suggestion to dry it. Another kid offers his lighter as a drying method. The fumes from the heated foam cause the whole bridge model to light on fire. Another kid, who is with one of the nearby town's local volunteer fire department thinks of saving the day by getting the fire extiguisher and pulls the fire alarm. Three fire engines and an ambulance arrive. Luckily nobody was hurt, but what a mess! Writing it isn't nearly as funny as when Anne told it. I had tears pouring out, it was so hilarious pictuing these high schoolers trying to solve their problem, only to make it bigger and messier. The kid who offered his lighter felt horrible and wrote letters not only to his school, the university but to the fire department too. That is so touching. When Anne told the principal of her school about it he had a hard time trying not to laugh. Such a funny story.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Oh, I think Anne's story is hilarious. I mean, really funny.

Congrats on your weight loss too!

And, by the way, I tagged you for a meme.