January 23, 2006

So much to say

Friday was a really long and dramatic day for me. Let's just say that my friend Tom, is no longer working with me at Company X. Ultimately it is for the best on all sides, but it was still a bit of a shock.

I came in a little later than usual and he wasn't in yet. I thought that was a little odd, but didn't think much more about it. Then Big Enchilada 2 announces we have a team meeting upstairs. One of my team members looks over at Tom's desk, then at me and then at Big Enchilada 2 and says,"Oh- she knows. She knows." Blah, blah about how I know something is up. I snapped at him that I didn't know anything (which was true.) We marched upstairs and Big Enchilada 2 is joined by Big Enchilada 3. That is very telling. No reason the two of them would be together at my team meeting unless there was something critical. So after some nice and friendly chatter about car accidents, they lay out the news: Tom is no longer with the company, and he left on friendly terms. I was stunned. I really shouldn't have been because I knew both parties were unhappy (for more reasons than I need or care to mention.) It really is all for the best. I know that. But that didn't diminish the shock I was in. After more chit chat about how we are going to proceed and who was taking over (a really great guy who suped in another department) we were asked if we had any questions or comments. What was I to say? The person who brought me to Vermont is no longer with the company. The person who I have worked with at several other jobs is now gone, kaput. Whether or not it was on good terms, why didn't the Enchiladas at least WARN me about it moments before the meeting? Now, Tom did leave me a message on my phone that I got after the fact. Needless to say, I was a little shaken. Enchilada 2 kept looking over in my direction as he was updating us. I was feeling very uncomfortable. Then he asks if we have questions or comments. Nobody responded, so he asks me directly. I shook my head "No," and proceeded to cry. I walked out of the room and then found my message from Tom.

Though I only was able to talk to Tom for a couple of minutes, I was glad to hear from him. I went back upstairs and hung out in the HR office so I could cry a little more. I will miss him quite a bit. I am not sure what he will be doing or where he is going. I hope we stay in touch and this experience doesn't shut him off from the world. After I composed myself, we had another meeting with the new guy. (Nickname tbd...) I think he will be great and work well with our team. We had a nice, open dialog with him. People brought up issues and concerns. And they announced that Tara and I have been promoted. It was a little strange to me, but a nice compliment. Not too bad for being here only a year.

The weekend flew by. I worked at the gstore Friday - Sunday. More on that maybe later.


Stephanie said...

So sorry to hear about Tom! That must have been a big shock!

Congrats on your promotion :)

Anonymous said...
