January 24, 2006

Not eating is not a concept I know...

I have been noticing the eating habits of my co-workers. There are those that don't eat lunch and those that don't snack. I can understand being so busy once in a while that you "forget" to eat (though that is not really something I can wrap my thick, fried food, bacon-loving head around), but on a daily basis? This is a concept that does not compute at all.



What's with that? I brought pretzels into the office as a relatively healthish snack. It was a large barrel that is now less than half full. I bought it yestersay afternoon. I find that amusing.

I know enjoying food a little too much has put me in the place I am in today. It's a hard habit to break.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

It sounds like your coworkers simply lacked the opportunity to snack (and you provided it!). :)