January 18, 2006

Gstore - writing and GW

And THANKS for emptying your baskets...

One thing that bothers me while working at the gstore, is people who don't empty their baskets out when they come to check out. You know who you are. Those little, green grocery store baskets with the two handles that is in lieu of a big shopping cart. When you come up to checkout, please empty out your basket. This saves time for everyone. And just so you know, checkers are timed on their speed of swiping the groceries across the scanner. If we have to dig into your basket for your damn products, that slows down the time. Of course, we can take the crap out of the baskets for you, but if you have capable hands, why the hell can't you do it yourself?

Also, if you are interested in a funny little game, check this site out and just click on the image below!

This morning, Elissa and I met for writing. It was great. We did two excercises. I felt refreshed and ready for the day. Amazing what a little writing will do ya!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I had no idea that checkers were timed!