January 10, 2006

Not cute (or young) enough...

There is a trade show that a bunch of the sales people are going to in a few months. After the show last year, they said that they would watch our progress over the next year and see who might be eligible to go. I was excited. And this past summer, I worked on some of the company's most important clients (or at least so I was told). I know the trade show is not all roses and daffodils. There are long hours and hard work. Still, it's a good opportunity to meet some of the clients we deal with over the year.

Sales people MUST go to this, of course. Same with tech dudes, because they set up the stations and know the tools that have been created. The marketing chick is going. TP from my department is going. She knows the products and went last year. When I asked a few months ago about me going instead of TP, I was told,"Well, she's going because she's already been trained." Okay, fine. No problem. So then I come to find out that AP is also going. She's kind of an administrative assistant in her department, for lack of a better description. Has no experience with the products and isn't technical. On top of that, she was asked to invite a couple of friends, who are also going and have even less knowledge of our products. Now that one iI can see. So aside from the sales and tech people, the commonality between the women is youth and cuteness. There are lots of other qualified people who would be better choices than AP. But she's part of the "in crowd", is cute and can party. TP - "in crowd", cute, can party when required and is dating sales person. Marketing chick - "in crowd", cute and can party when required as well.

I know, I am jealous and bitching about it. but I am not saying that I should go, per se. But there have been several other women in the office who are bothered by the "perception" that we are just sending the young, cute people. There are some cute and qualified guys who should go instead of AP. But the demographic we are appealing to is middle aged men. So, send in the young ladies. There are a few models going as well. I have less of a problem with that. I am glad that a representative from my department is going. She was told that she is going not just because she went last year, but because she's cute. She's not upset enough to tell them she's not going.

If the big cheeses would have just admit that they want to appeal to a certain demographic and present a certain face, I wouldn't have that much of an issue with it. At least that would be somewhat honest. But instead they give lame reasons.

I know. Life isn't fair. But this is the first job I have ever been in where I actually felt discriminated against. It really gets my goat that AP is going and bringing FRIENDS. Sadly, I don't think she really realizes the reasons she is going. The company line was "It will be a good opportunity for her..." Yeah. Sure it will. Uh huh. Keep telling yourself THAT'S the reason she's going. I really believe you.

NOTE: The tech dudes are not going because they are cute. Trust me.


Stephanie said...

I wrote a very short angry essay that was inspired by your post. It's on my blog. No, that isn't me pimping me, I'm just mentioning it really. You were a source of inspiration, m' dear.

Myfanwy Collins said...

Sometimes it feels like the whole country has shifted back to 1960 or something. I'm seething on your behalf.

Patry Francis said...

The one encouraging thing in this story is your voice--strong and clear and not about to go away!