March 11, 2005

I have a bindi, and I am not even Hindu!

Normally I wouldn't be so public about my skin condition, but I had a funny thing happen at bowling last night that I just had to report. But I have to back up a day or two.

The other day, I was grooming, as most primates tend to do now and then. I got a boo-boo in-between my eyebrows. Of course I kept picking at it, (gross, I know. But you do these things too, don't deny it. EVERYBODY DOES.) and it developed a scab, of course. What the hell was I thinking? Too late. So for the last few days, I have had a circular scab in-between my eyebrows. It looks like a bindi (a reusable, adhesive, decoration that is used by women and placed on the forehead between the eyebrows. a traditional ornament that was used for women to symbolize that they are married is not used by women of all ages to add color and pizzazz to their outfit.) And no makeup will cover it up.

Flash forward to last night...

I was sitting talking with this chick who was there to watch Darlene (on my team) and she asked me if I was from India. I had no idea until after the conversation why she would ask me such a thing. Hilarious! But now I have this embarassing dot on my forehead. Lesson to you all - don't pick your boo-boos. Bad things happen.

A Bindi? Hilarious.

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