March 12, 2007

The weekend is over, trudging through the mire

Friday night didn't meet my expectations, not that I can tell you what they were exactly. I think there wasn't enough drinking and merriment for me. Mario was okay. Not as rip-roaring fun as he's been in the past. We did manage to paint Kyle's nails which I felt was a great accomplishment. Then Saturday, I spent the whole day nursing a headache from the one small glass of Reisling. No, it couldn't have been the additional shot of absinthe nor the two large glasses of whatever-the-hell Stephanie makes (a cherry bomb?) I know Reisling gives me a headache, yet I drank it. On top of the sleeping, when I did finally get around to moving, I showered and headed to the theater to see if I could get a ticket for "300" where some of my co-workers were. I got there 50 minutes before the movie and it was sold out.


SOLD OUT? In VERMONT? FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I was really pissy. What a waste of a drive. Stupid movie. (Though I will probably see it by my self this week.)

Sunday was the g-store and bowling. I was late by an hour to the g-store because I completely forgot about the time change. They didn't seem to mind though, which was good. It was also pretty damn hectic and we lost at bowling, though Lauren made a swell Dave substitute. I think she will lower his average enough between this weekened and next so that when he comes back (he's out of town for two weeks) we will blow the socks off the competition! ha! We ARE in 3rd place, which is much better than last year.

This week is going to be a long one. Work is super busy and I have my review tomorrow. Two years here and this is my first review. I am looking forward to it, but who knows what kinds of jewels will be uncovered within it.

I don't seem a little negative today, do I?


Stephanie said...

Are we talking about real absinthe? Really?

Unknown said...

a SOUR cherry bomb - thankyouverymuch :)