March 02, 2007

Mom update - out of surgery, in recovery room

I called my dad this morning and Mom is out of her angeoplasty. He said they found a block in a lower artery but not big enough to perform surgery on. I guess that is good. He's having a hard time with it, which is understandable. Mom is in the recovery room for a few more hours and will be spending the night at the hospital for observation. She should be coming home tomorrow.

I had a rough week thinking about her upcoming surgery. I cried a couple of times at work. I know it was exploratory and happens all the time to people. But I think the thing that has been getting to me is the realization that her body is really beginning the signs of shutting down and death is more eminent. I can't do anything about it from Vermont. If I was in CA, I could be there for my dad.

My aunt is coming into town to stay with my folks starting tonight. I know she will be a comfort for my mom. Hopefully it won't be added stress.

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