March 06, 2007

G-store drama - Sex and romance

Two stories about life at the g-store. The identites have been changed to protect the people involved and me from any legal action. (ha ha ha?)

Story the First: Sex and teens
Ophelia is a troubled teen. She's going to turn 18 this year. She is out about being a lesbian. And she was abused at some point early in her life. Her mother kicked her out recently for being gay. So what does she do? Turns around and has sex with Oscar and make out sessions with other guys. Though both Ophelia and Oscar say they won't do it again, I think she's out of control. It's more than teens just having sex. And at least, according to Oscar, they practiced safe sex. I feel sorry for Ophelia that she feels she needs to act out in this way. Whether she is gay because she was born that way or because she was abused, she really needs help. Though I don't know the circumstances of her home life, I think if her mother kicked her out for being gay, that is really horrible. Makes me want to take her in or yell at her mother for being so stupid.

Story the Second: Romance and teens
Jasmine works with me. Aladdin works in another department. She's 16-17. He's a year or two older. They have been dating for months. Jasime has had what seem to be obsessive crushes on both Ophelia and Oscar but has seemed to settle down with Aladdin. They are always together. It's to the point that if Jasmine has a chance to wander off, she will most likely be in the back of the store having makeout sessions with Aladdin. They have both been talked to repeately about their activities. Still no change. That brings me to my break the other night. I walked into the breakroom and there were Aladdin and Jasmine cosying up. Not appropriate for work. Jane, one of the supervisors, went up to them and physically split them up. When she turned around, they were back together. She went over to them and told them to stop and parted the seas again. Aladdin got so angry with Jane that he walked out of the breakroom. Not before throwing over a chair in a very dramatic scene. Jane went after him and they argued. He even called her a "bitch". (Not very smart to do that, eh?) I went to HR because I felt Jasmine and Aladdin's bad behavior has gone on too long. Afterwards, Jasmine asked me what I thought about what happened. I said, "Here's the lecture. You KNOW you shouldn't do that. You have been talked to before. If you don't stop, you could have lots of trouble. blah, blah, blah." She seemed open to my lecturing, but I think mostly it came out like a Charlie Brown adult voice where you can't understand what they are saying. Sigh. Teens. I am so glad I don't have one.


Stephanie said...

Hmm...well, this definitely sheds some light on the word situation.

Glad to hear your mom is okay. My mom had an angioplasty a while ago too.

Unknown said...

you have to love the combo of teenagers and produce - it's a great atmostphere! :)