March 06, 2007

Mom update

Mom was in the hospital for three days. It was suppose to be 11 hours. But after the angeoplasty
on Friday, they thought she should stay overnight for observation. They allowed her to have all of her regular medications, which helped her sleep. Imagine that, sleeping whilst hospitalized! Between high blood pressure a blood transplant and dialysis, she was able to go home Sunday afternoon. She was chipper and sounding great when I talked to her last night which made me feel good.

And, the cardiologist told her with the proceedure they did, she's got at least 5-10 more years on her. Though I know she won't live forever, it's nice to hear that this proceedure will help her be in less pain and have a chance for being here for a few more years. As evil and manipulative as the pharmacutical companies can be, I am grateful for the medications that help my mom have a better quality of life.

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