May 30, 2007

Friday night movies, the weekend and getting sick...

So, last Friday night was Pirate of the Caribbean with a bunch of people. I really enjoyed the movie. There wasn't nearly enough Johnny Depp in there for me, but I was glad to see what I did of him. There were some really funny parts. There was one moment which harkended back to memories of the ride at Disneyland when the screen went black. I think I was one of the only people in the audience who laughed out loud. I think for a three-parter, it was overall a good trilogy, unlike so many others.

Saturday I started about doing some errands. Everything was going splendidly when I made the decision to go get an oil change at Jiffy Lube. While I was there, I made the mistake of getting my coolant adjusted/flushed. After I paid I got into my car and noticed the coolant light was on. I told the guy and he told me to bring it back around and he would refill it. I did. He did. I then drove around for about 20 more minutes making a couple of errand stops before I noticed the temperature gague was moving beyond HOT (past the red zone). The heater was producing no heat. I turned around and went back to Jiffy Lube. They assessed and couldn't find anything wrong. I called a tow truck and the guy said he thought it was my water pump. Of course, towing the car (thanks AAA) was free. But being that my car trouble fell on a three day weekend, the shop wouldn't be open until Tuesday. I had a nice walk home. The weather was great and it was nice to see people out and about.

Later that night, Amanda called me to come and meet up with her at Auggie's Island Grille. Dan and Amanda's b-friend Scott (ME) was there. We had a great time talking and was later joined briefly by Scott (VT). It was so nice that Amanda thought to call me! I had a nice walk to downtown, which made me appreciate where I lived even more than normal. It's a nice stroll to downtown B-town. I am looking forward to walking to work more. I digress.... Onto the rest of the weekend....

So, being without a car, I had cut short my plans and errands for the weekend. I had planned on working (catching up before vacation and Sunday at the gstore.) With Stephanie having guests in town and Carrie and Heidi living 10-15 miles away, I didn't feel like I could call them to ask for a ride to the g-store. However, new friend Jen, was available. I bought her lunch and she took me to work AND picked me up! After that, we went to a co-worker's house in St. Albans for a little bbq and games. While several people were trashed or rapidly intoxicated, Jen and I didn't drink. It was entertaining watching one of my co-workers putting the moves on Pierre who was also pretty drunk and trying to make the moves on several of us. Then SHE got pissed because she felt he was giving her mixed signals and decided the drinking wasn't working for her. (Why is he flirting with me one second and everybody else the next? Why did he move seats - to across the way? I thought we were flirting and getting along so well.) Jen drove me home and I think I was asleep by 2am.

Monday - I woke up feeling icky. Throat and head were stuffed up and achy. Maybe it was the rain, damp air and smoking from last night. Maybe it was being overworked and finally running out of steam. Either way, I was sick. Great considering I was leaving for Austin in the morning. I didn't do much during the day other than rejecting two Memorial Day parties. I HAD to go to the office. I went in in the late afternoon (nice, slow walk) and worked until about 8:30pm. I didn't get enough done, but I was glad I made the time.

I was up until 12:am trying to get things prepared for my trip. (Austin details coming soon.)

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