May 25, 2007

Why I love movies...

Happy 30th Anniversary, Star Wars! It was movies like this that inspired me to get into film. And guys like this that made me want to date bad boys. I remember when the first Star Wars movie came out I was in 4th grade. I saw it 14-16 times that summer. It was the most amazing movie I had ever seen.

Though there aren't any sub-titles on Greedo's lines, this is how the scene REALLY was before Georgie decided to change Han Solo's personality. I love HS. Sigh. He's so dreamy and violent!

I would also like to throw out some shout outs to my peeps in LA, especially the ones crazy enough to go participate in the Star Wars party this weekend. A little bit of me wishes I was there

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahh megan - she's so crazy. and probably very very happy too.