May 04, 2007

He's just not into you...

I was watching an episode of "Sex in the City" where the ladies are out to dinner discussing a recent date Miranda had. The date dropped her off at the doorstep with an excuse of having something to do early the next morning. Miranda's friends gave her words of encouragement, but Carrie's date told her "He's just not into you." Sure it was blunt and it may not be true in every situation, but it was a good tv show moment.

He's just not into you.

Ain't that the truth. Sigh.


Emi said...

Uh oh. Who is it that you're into that isn't into you???

Story of my life, babe. But as my mum says, it only takes one.

Mrs. Han Solo said...

I know. That's the story of my life too. That's why when I saw the show, I was moved to blog about it. Sad, sad, state of affairs or lack of them. Wink, wink.