February 03, 2005

State of the Union, the boa, phones and LA1

Here are the highlights from my evening last night and my day today:
  • I finished the scarf I started in mid-January. It's long, and about four inches wide. Very soft. Colors are gray, green, brownish red. If you want it, it's yours. Email me your address. I am making another one, since there isn't much else to do in winter at night with a loooow budget.
  • I went to the movies last night after work thinking I would escape the State of the Union presentation. I saw Closer, which is nominated for a few Academy Awards. It stars Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Clive Owens and Julia Roberts. Really souless charaters. I thought the acting was pretty good. Natalie is nominated I think. The people in the movie were unfaithful, unappologetic and seemed insincere when they were appologizing. I was glad that it didn't have a happy ending. But if all the characters died in an accident together, I wouldn't have cared a crap. It was directed by Mike Nichols. The music, sets, writing - not so good. Basically it sucked. If you saw it and liked it, please comment.
  • State of the Union - I came home from the dismal movie and saw that my VCR was recording. I thought I was recording Alias and that the SoUA was over. Nope. I tried to turn the VCR off. It wouldn't go. I tried ejecting the tape. No go. I tried deleting the recording in progress. Nothing. I was then compelled to watch. I did. It sounded very similar to what Bush had said during his previous state of the union address. He did beat to death the Social Security topic. I was also annoyed with the pandering to sympathy by showing the people with their fingertips inked and the poor couple who lost their son in Iraq. The clapping throughout the speech was entertaining. It was like watching a football game where the winning team's fans jump up and cheer each time they score. When Bush was talking about some of the issues only half of the crowd would stand and cheer. Hilarious. Those Democrats certainly want to show they are a divided bunch. I was glad it was only about an hour long. I did appreciate the Democratic rebuttle, though it was too short. What do other countries think about this? At one point, Bush was promoting peace and understanding. Telling us that we want other governments to choose how they want to rule. HA! My arse he does. When he brought up North Korea I wondered about an earlier news story I heard where a political analyst was discussing how the US government is so focused on the Middle East, they are neglecting what's happening in North Korea. We hear nothing about it in the news. Our news is only focused on Iraq and "terrorism". It's embarassing. I love watching the BBC World news because they talk about the WORLD.
  • Our team returned from a big convention in New Orleans. We should be getting lots of great business from the event. One of the guys, Greg A., brought me back a sparkly, red, feather boa AND the most ugly ceramic pair of married gators with the names Al & Susan underneath. It is a truly hideously lovely gift. And the folks around are quite jealous over the boa. I LOVE the boa!!!
  • Speaking of work, LA1 called me three times today and talked to our support team and sent me three emails. He is such a needy, picky and annoying person. We had a pleasant enough conversation, but if he only knew how annoying he is... It took up so much of my time today trying to deal with his site. (Read as a pirate - "Argh! If I were captain, I woudst throw his arse off the plank!")
  • Verizon - I was told by the people at the Verizon store that I had to call on the 3rd to change my calling plan. Not on the 2nd, not on the 4th. The 3rd. So I did. And I changed my plan. It should cut my Feb bill down from $150 to $40!!! Yippee!!! Of course I still have unlimited nights and weekends. I also have unlimited long distance. I am happy. Really happy.
  • The Apprentice - We shall see what is in store for Angie tonight!! Very exciting!!!

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