February 07, 2005

Movies, ditching, Dad and Superbowl

I had such an exciting Friday, I can't remember what happened. Maybe during my drunken stupor I bet on the horses at Del Mar. Maybe I ran around naked in Battery Park. I just can't remember. It was THAT exciting. I think I watched one of my Netflix DVDs. Yes, that's what I did. It was part 4 (I think) of the BBC series Sharpe, starring Sean Bean. As there are a total of 14 in the series, I have lots more to see.

I woke up too late to get to WW on time, so I didn't go. I did some errands, including visiting that wonderful store, Big Lots. I did my laundry. I talked on the phone. I went to the movies in the afternoon and saw The Aviator, directed by Martin Scorcese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the tortured, brilliant Howard Hughes. Now, I didn't say Leo was brilliant. But I do think it was one of the better Scorcese films I have seen. I thought Leo (all things considered) did a pretty good job. Sure, his look and voice weren't like Howard Hughes nor did Howard slip into the level of gross craziness in the 40s that was represented in the film (artistic license?) but I thought the acting, sets, costumes, music editing, special effects were all good for a solid, big bang of a movie. Cate Blanchett did a great job as Kate Hepburn. I think it showed the HH crazies well, even if it wasn't at the right time of his life. I am proud to say that I have seen the Spruce Goose aka Hercules. It was a huge plane, that's for sure. It was a great Saturday matinee movie. I didn't feel I was sitting in a three hour film.

After the movie, I did some errands and made dinner. I was in for a night of more tv and crocheting. I also began working on my tissue box crafts.

I ditched church, waking up too late to go again. It was a gorgeous day out and I drove around and did some errands. I met Carrie to see The Wedding Date, starring Deborah Messing and Dermot Mulroney. It was a better version of Pretty Woman (could have been called Pretty Man...) unlike Pretty Woman, there was no reason for us to feel sorry for the Pretty Man because he was a high priced call-boy, not hooker (though technically he was a male hooker.) Anyhow, for a hooker-falling-in-love with the payer it was a sweet, sappy movie. Makes me wish I could afford $6,000 to go on a date with Dermot Mulroney. Sheesh! Imagine my friends' suprise when I bring him to my class reunion. "Where did you meet him?" "The yellow pages." (quote from the movie.) Of course in my world, my friends would know that was no joke, and I probably really did get him from the yellow pages. Sad, isn't it? Still... it makes a girl think. I suppose, like in the movie, I could plan this great and grand story. I would have to find somebody a little earthy though because if I brought Dermot (or is it Dermont?) to the class reunion, people wouldn't buy it. You know what I am talking about. If I brought some hunky dude home, people would really wonder. I need to find me a slovenly, ugly man. Hmm. That gives me something to think about. I suppose if I was really, really pathetic I would bring some dude home with me for the class reunion. I wonder how often people do that? On one hand, I think it would be really funny. But the joke would be for just me. The people at the reunion (all Kerry, Dianne, Stephanie, Liz and Michelles aside) wouldn't have a clue. They also wouldn't care. What a dumb ass idea for a movie! Sheesh!

Sunday cont.... So after the whole movie thing, I went aimlessly wandering around to craft stores to find material to make curtains with. It gets really bright in my bedroom, and though I am as fond of the sunshine as the next SoCalGal, it is bloody bright! As I am so desparate for company, I bought myself a betta fish. He is adorable though. He is blue and white. Smaller than the last one I had. He's got a nice, big bowl to play in. I have a pet!! After that excitement, I went over to Elissa's house for a Superbowl party. Thankfully, her peeps weren't hardcore football fans. We ate, drank, chatted and played card games. It was great! I had a really good time. Rocky made a delicious chili - a perfect Superbowl food! The game was kinda boring, as were most of the commercials. There were afew that were pretty funny with monkeys.

So, I have posted my teddy bear on Ebay. As of tonight, It is going for $159. I am hoping in the next two days it bumps up to $300! THAT would be splendid.

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