July 26, 2005

It's been busy, so no blogging time - but Cats and ROCK STAR

The week of July 17, was pretty busy. I was suppose to go with Doug to see Spamalot, but because of Client D, I decided (and it was impressed upon me) to not go. Though I am glad I didn't because of work, I wish I had seen the show and New York. I hope I get to New York. Maybe when Client D is over and done with....

The only really exciting thing that's been going on (and it's not happening to me, so how exciting can it be?) is that my friend Ty, is doing pretty well on Rock Star - INXS. I am so happy for him. I think it is funny that I have yet another friend on a reality show. I don't think I would ever do that. My life has been so uninteresting that there wouldn't be anything exciting to film. Maybe that's a good thing. Anyhow, the show is searching for the next lead singer of the band, INXS. Ty has lots of experience performing professionally, and I think he will do well with this show. It's on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday on CBS. Watch it! Tell your friends! (Tuesday is when they do the performances.)

This past weekend was a total waste of great weather for me. I did "choose" to work on Saturday on Client D. I am glad I did, but it was such a gorgeous day out, I kept thinking about what I would do if I was outside. Though a few people from work had invited the company to join them in a camping weekend, I didn't go (because of Client D stuff.) But would I have gone? Probably not. Then again... maybe so. Evil Kdar has almost completely wiped Sporty Girl to the floor - almost to a point of non-existance. I am also a big whiner about not having people to do stuff with. I like the out-of-doors but I just wish I had somebody or somebodies to do stuff with. Pathetic. Make it happen, says Sporty Girl. One can't wait for it to come to you. You have to make it happen. I think I will have to post something on Craig's List. I did email somebody on that list about Spanish lessons. I think I might do that this fall. The teacher seems like a nice person and pretty open to privates or group lessons. But with the gorgeous weather that I let slide by, I need to get into doing SOMETHING!!!!

So here's what I have decided. Besides the Craig's List option, I am going to take that book that Los gave me at my farewell party and start crossing off the things to do in that book. There is also hanging out with Sherri (probably next weekend) in New Hampshire. I also want to go to Maine. I need to start exploring the world around me. The concert in Boston was great, but I didn't really get to see much of the city. I went to AAA today and got maps and guidebooks. Enough of the pity party. I can't let the world pass me by. I have to grab it by the balls (or horns, or whichever body part you think of) and DO IT.

I also have my writing. I finished my short and now need to send it out to a couple of you. I might post it somewhere for you to read, but am more apt to mail it out. I might enter it into screenplay competitons. Who knows? I really enjoyed writing it.

A guy (Allen) at work had to suddenly get rid of his cats, Taffy and Sammy. I gladly took them in. The first few days, Sammy (white with gray spots) would walk around the house mewing and hissing at nothing in particular. Taffy (black) would hide. Now they are coming out, less hissing at each other and around the house. They are fun to have. I will always love Smudge and Steve, but these gals are good for me. And my landlords are so nice about letting me have cats. One of these days I post a picture of them and my dress-wearing neighbor dude, Jeff.

Sigh - now if we can just get Client D out the door!

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