July 29, 2005

Harry Potter and the drug-dealing neighbors...

I was up until about 1:30am reading the last bits of Harry Potter. I am glad I took my time with it, and I can't wait until the next (and final) book comes out. Though sometimes it seemed a bit too Barbara Cartland for me (in a junior sort of way) I did like it. I won't give any plot points away, so I will move on. It was a good read. Now I am back to finishing "The Screwtape Letters" by C. S. Lewis. It's a much shorter book, but was written back in the days when writers spoke more eloquently, so it's slower for my brain to process.

I think my neighbors across the street are drug dealers or setting up a prostitution ring. Why? Well, for the entire summer, when possible they park their nasty, dented, dirty white van curbside right in front of my apartment (they live directly across the street). They have parking behind their building. Almost every night it is parked there, there is action with the door sliding open, close, open, close - about every hour starting after 10pm, until I fall asleep (between 11 - 2am) Last night I heard it start at 10:40. For four more times, about every 40 mins, the door opens and closes. Then silence for about 20 mins. Then it opens and closes again. Sheesh! So, towards the end of my Harry Potter reading, I poked my head out behind the curtains when I heard a car drive up. This was at 1:20pm. A woman with short, dark hair had pulled into druggie's driveway. Got out of her car, and came over to the van. The door slid open and she said,"Hello. Good to see you." and stepped inside. Door closed. 20ish minutes later, door opens and she comes out, runs across the street and into her truck. She lights up something, and drives away.

So what the hell are they doing all night? Is it Drugs? Prostitution? Therapy? Interventions? It irritates me because on the nights when I do get to sleep before they begin their ritual, it wakes me up when I hear the door open and close. This does not make for a restful night.

Tomorrow is the weekend and I am not working! Yippee!! Client D has issues that I can't fix or even really trouble shoot, so there is no point in me working this weekend. I am so glad. Tomorrow I am going to get myself an adventure thing happening. Sunday there is a craft festival in Stowe.

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