June 19, 2005

Worked this weekend, saw Batman Begins....

After another long day at work (long in the sense that there was a buttload of crap to do....) I actuallyleft at a descent time. I met up with Elissa, Rocky and Mark for dinner at Uno's (which is Numer Uno's for those Westcoasters... but a little nicer....) where I enjoyed spectacular conversation and food. We met up with Carrie to see "Batman Begins", which Mark said followed one of the graphic novels he has read about Batman's beginnings. Only two criticisms - the dude who played the strange doctor (can't think of his name or care to look for it) was in no way, old enough to be a doctor (unless he was really a Doogie Howser, child prodigy, which is entirely possible. The other one was Katie Holmes. Sure she's sweet and echos her character from the old Dawson's Creek days, but in the light of her betrothel to Tom Cruise, was not a very believable character. Chrstian Bale, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman were great. Special effects great. Story great. Art Direction and music - good. I really enjoyed it. My back had been hurting throughout the day and I was glad to get home to bed. But I did watch one of my Sean Bean Netflix Sharpe series. Ah, Sean Bean.

Saturday -
I woke up with a sinus headache and nausea and the back still hurt. I took meds and passed on going to WW. I woke up a few hours later and felt MUCH better. I went to the office and worked for about 6 hours. I went to go see "Enron - The Smartest Guys in the Room" after work. Though there was lots I would have added to the documentary, it was pretty good. After seeing "The Corporation", seeing this movie just added to my fury about how awful some can really be. Interesting study in upper management and power. About 2/3 of the way through it they talked about the crisis in California. That just infuriated me all the more. By the end of the movie, I wanted Mr. Lay and his cronies to pay for what they had done. Unfortuneatly, they walked away with millions and millions of dollars that should have gone to the people not their pockets. It is outrageous what happened. And I am sure it can happen again. AND the ties to politics make it even more sickening. Good flick. When I got home, I actually worked on a craft project that I had bought materials for about two months ago. I even finished it. I make a wreath with dried flowers. I think it looks pretty good. I watched "The House of Sand and Fog" starring Jennifer Connolly and Ben Kingsley. Not that great of a movie. I wanted more out of the characters. They weren't bad enough for me to hate them and not good enough (even if misunderstood) to care about them.

Sunday - I slept in again feeling a headache and went the laundromat. Lots of white trash characters in the neighborhood. The dude across from the laundromat kept talking really loudly so we, across the street could hear. At one point, he came up to me while I was in my car talking to Gail. He told me that he was expecting a man in a purplish, Ford Taurus to take him to church. Maybe that was a message I should have listened to, but he creeped me out. Gail told me a great story about a guy she met. Can't talk about it yet. We will see if something happens from this meeting. I then went to the office and worked for about 5 hours. Yippee!!

Tonight it is finishing Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I thought I would watch that in preparation for Spamalot.

Class reunion is only three weeks away!

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