April 06, 2006

Headbanger's Ball

No, not a heavy metal concert. Just the sounds of me cracking my head against a very firm brick or steel wall. Though I am not at the point of throwing myself off of a building over Client Flintstone, I do feel like slamming my head against a hard surface might make me feel better. It's insane. Tuesday night I worked in the office until 1am! Thank heaven for bowling, otherwise I would have been here last night until then as well. Tonight I plan on being here until midnight. There is waaaay toooooo much crap to do if we expect to launch in a week and a half. I really doubt we will get it done, but I will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

I know it's not good to joke about people cutting themselves to feel physical pain over emotional pain, but I feel like I can understand why they do that. Now, don't go nuts-o and call me asking me to not hurt myself. I am just saying that I can understand that. I feel like doing that with this project. It is by far, one of the more painful projects I have worked on here at Company X. Working on LA1's site was painful last year. Working with Client Dutch and Client D last year - also painful. This one is all of those put together. Between N not getting in touch with me when I need her to and all of the sites Client Flintsone has, I am going insane. Though Scott G (the new dude) has been extremely helpful, I can see this many sites with this many issues is really a three person effort.

Remind me next time, to not overly volunteer myself for the next big group.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hope you're doing better. :) No banging allowed