April 21, 2006

Calgon... take me away! Vomit/blog

- I am sure most of you won't get the Calgon reference. It was a tag line from a bubble bath product in the 80s. Escape. That's what it's all about.

Client Flintsone will be the death of me. I know I have said this before, just a few posts ago. I hate this project more than I can say. I am sick and tired of me, myself and this @#$%ing project. Did I mention that I hate this project? It's out of control. Some of it is my fault which I totally admit. Some of the blame goes to other persons in Company X, but I feel most of it goes to Rep N. I call her to say we need to review blah 1 and blah 2. She can give me an hour, but is interrupted with calls, people coming in. Or we set up a date to review a tool she wants to use. She's in a meeting and reschedules for a half hour later. Her assistant N2 calls me to say she is delayed and will call me. I don't get a call. I get an email with an appology. That's nice and all but she's too @#$%ing busy to call me back even at the end of the day. She owes me an answer on blah blah 1.346 and blah blah 285. Yet expects, demands, insists that we will be done with her project next Thursday. I ahve given up fighting with her. She had expectations set too high at the beginning of the project and threatens me with how important it is for her to be happy which in turn, will make Mr. Flintstone happy, and the consultant who might give us more business and a large manufacturer of Product V that we deal with. If Mr. Flintstone says how wonderful we are, there is the possibility of Manufacturer F will fall in love with us. I want to yell at her, punch her in the face. (I have anger issues right now and hormones out of balance, so I can't really control what may happen next. I am beginning to understand people who go postal. Really. ) She won't lift a finger to do her own @#$%ing content. Who's @#$%ing idea was it to volunteer ME/US to do her content? That's really a minor problem at this point since Scott did a terrific job migrating the bulk of it. I have had people from all over Company X helping me out, which has been nice. Just not enough help. And Rep N not calling me back doesn't help anything. She's Mr. Flintstone's right hand gal. She wears too many hats. She filters info to me, which sometimes works, but most of the time leaves me with hours of emails to sort and task out. Did I mention how much I hate this project?

Company X needs this done to meet monthly goals. (And it has been so painful, who would WANT it to stay around?) Everybody in my department is overworked and tasked too thin and is feeling stressed. One dude gave notice and is out this week (not having anything to do with this company or my project, just pointing out we are down a person.) Scott is getting married next week, so he's got lots to do and on his mind. I can't blame him. I would too. Thank heaven I can let the martyr in me out in this blog. I have no husband/boyfriend/child/ailing parent/ sick pet or life to push me home. I have a @#$%ing retarded work ethic that makes me feel guilty for leaving when there is so much to do. I only really have me to blame for that. So I will do whatever it takes, no matter how much bitching and moaning it takes to get this project over and done with.

Did I mention how much I hate this project? At this point, I am almost glad I have the g-store tomorrow. I will work before and after that shift at Company X, but at least I will be in a job where I have no worries about leaving at the end of my shift.

Ahhhh. I feel better now. I needed to get that out.

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