February 09, 2007

Academic achievement, Secret Valentines

Two things to note here.

1. My brother, Mrs. Han Solo's Brother (MHSB) is a teacher in California. He is a really brilliant guy and an awesome teacher. One of the things he does is teach and coach students for the Academic Decathlon at his school. Well - they just made state finals, which is a tremendous event! I am so proud of him and the students! Job well done!!! The event is in March or April. MHSB dedicates so much time to coaching that I am so glad to see it paying off.

2. At Company X, I am in charge of the second annual Secret Valentine exchange. There are 22 people participating this year! I am so excited. And HALF of them are guys!! Though I know who has me, I am thrilled so many people are participating. I am not really into Valentine's Day. I find it is overrated. And why must people only say "I love you. I appreciate you. I care about you." Once a year? Bah humbug. One should say it every day, for crying out loud. Of course, if I had a Valentine, I would probably be one of those demading women who want all kinds of useless crap or chocolate I don't need to eat. Then again, maybe I wouldn't.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

valentine's day is a completely overrated holiday - with a valentine or without...

though i do enjoy seeing my giant hershey kiss just waiting on the edge of my desk for me. :)