February 10, 2007

January parties

I think January was filled with the most partying I have done since I moved here. It started with New Year's Eve, when I was invited to co-worker David's pad (David pictured on left with Stephanie.) David has a great place in downtown Burlington with a great view of the waterfront where they do the fireworks. He had an excellent spread of food and drink. I went to the party with Stephanie and Amanda. Carrie joined us as well. I think there were about 20 people there, including a bunch of David's friends from outside Company X. One couple came down from Alaska! (Though they were travelling around to different places to meet relatives for the holiday week....) It was nice meeting different people. We also were smart enough to take a taxi to and from my house which saved us from trying to find parking downtown as well as no worries should we drink. Carrie had a little too much to drink and wasn't in any shape to go home, so she stayed at my house.

The next event was the following weekend (I think) was playing games at Stephanie's house with Jesse and Kyle one night and celebrating Scott's birthday the next at a pub called RiRa's - yes, it is Irish. There were around 100 people there to celebrate with Scott. Hard to tell how many as it was a mingling bar scene. But he is a pretty popular dude.

Here is a picture of Scott with just some of the ladies. I also caught Scott's friends Jen and Dan arm-wrestling. Jen kept beating all of the guys. It crushed their egos and was a wonderful sight to see. After hanging out at the bar for a bit, we tried getting into another place to go dancing, but there was a long line. So, we journeyed down the block to a place called JP's where they have a bar and karaoke. I haven't done or been in a karaoke place in years. In LA, there is a place called Dimples where aspiring singers and actors try out songs. I went many times with my actor friends. Here the place was packed, which was to be expected for a Saturday night. There were some pretty crappy acts. Finally Stephanie and I couldn't take it anymore and we left.

Kyle's crazy dancing feet (pictured below) from our evening with Stephanie and Jesse K. Here is also representation of the kind of intense competition that went on with the game playing we did.

Event #3 was at Kate's house. She lives north of Burlington and it can be a sketchy drive for an inexperienced driver like me. Stephanie had Scott drive us up to Kate's house to help celebrate her bday. I had met a few of Kate's friends before. One of them makes really good jello shots. I figured out the key to popping them into my mouth in one shot. It's all in the tongue. I had a few drinks and a BUNCH of jello shots. Jello shots are so easy to get down, it's bad. I think I could have a big problem with them if I were left alone with a tray of them. But I digress.

Pictured - MHS, Scott, Stephanie, Carrie

It was a pretty mellow night. We drank, talked, ate. Some played beer pong, a sporting event I was not familiar with until I moved to Vermont (poor sheltered girl that I am.) I declined to participate in that as I can't stand beer. Scott, who had shaved his head a few weeks earlier was now sporting a bit of a buzz. I liked the way it felt and kept annoying him by petting his head. He said he felt like somebody's pet dog and made me stop. I would probably have kept petting his head if he hadn't stopped me as I felt it was rather soothing. Or maybe that was just the alcohol talking. In any event, we hung around there until about 1am when we journeyed back to Burlington. All in all, it was a pretty good party. Aside from the aforementioned, Justin was another co-worker who showed up. He seemed to have a pretty good time as well. Kate (pictured above with girlfriend Em) was a swell hostess. I look forward to hanging out there again when the weather is warmer. On the way out, I remember looking up at the sky. The stars were so brilliantly lit in the sky, it was a spectacular sight to behold. I think this summer I need to go camping, even if it is just one night somewhere.

As for the last party in January, that involved absinthe. That is a blog entry unto itself....


Stephanie said...


Alan said...

I want to hear about the absinthe party ...

Unknown said...

wow, what gorgeous pictures! your friends are EXTRAORDINARILY attractive! :)