February 27, 2007

Lentish behavior

I am not Catholic. I don't practice Lent. However last night I was talking with my friend Austin Girl about this and that. I decided I will give up soda until May 1. I love soda, but I have a problem drinking enough good liquids and I think soda makes me extra sluggish. I know I gain weight from it too. I also don't want to ever get kidney stones again and no soda will make for a healthier me. I am, however, allowing myself to have soda water.

Here's to me!


Stephanie said...

Yay for you! It's hard to find any redeeming qualities in soda. It just doesn't have any.

Btw, lots of non-Catholic Christians give up something for lent too. :) I even gave up something.

Mrs. Han Solo said...

What did you give up?