November 05, 2006

Visit to Ohio

This one is brief, because I have to go catch a plane.

In early October, I went to Ohio to spend some time with Helen and the kids. Mike was out of town, so I could give Helen a hand with the kids. Mikey turned 3, so we had a b-day party (Thomas the Train themed) which was really fun. I had met some of Helen's friends before, so it was great to see them again.

I spent a day playing soccer mom, as Helen had a shower to go to. That Patrick can really sock it to the ball! Both Joe and Patrick did a good job. I think though, Patrick has a bit of the Dark Side of the Force in him. He kept pushing the other kids. But in fairness to him, they were crowding him a bit. I also had a little lightsaber battle here and there. Played a little baseball. Giggled. Laughed. Cried with laughter. Relaxed. Had good chats with Helen. Went to a wood duck festival (not a wooden duck festival. No, these are really ducks that live in the woods!)

All in all, it was a great time and a perfect little getaway from Vermont.

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