November 29, 2006

Giving thanks on Thanksgiving - to be pissy or not to be...

Let's back up to a few weeks ago. I had just come from vacationing in California. (More postings on thta trip in the near future.) Nobody invited me to Thanksgiving with them. I didn't invite myself over either. Part of me really, really wanted somebody to ask me what I was doing. Then I would say,"Nothing." Then they would say,"Join us!" But it didn't happen.

I told the G-store I would work. I amped up the days - Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Turkey Day was time and a half, so why not? Then Tuesday before the event, Carrie invited me to her folks' house. I had to decline, but it was nice to be invited. I was feeling a little sad and lonely. Then Wednesday, something clicked. I was actually looking forward to working Thursday. My family has non-traditional Thanksgivings anyhow, so what makes this one so different? Nothing, except I get to make some mulah.

So Wednesday night I worked until 11pm. It was pretty busy. Not unreasonably so, just steady. Thursday morning, I was back at the store at 7am. It was a really slow morning. Then, all those people who remembered they needed to get X, Y or Z came in. There was a steady flow of people for about an hour. They closed that puppy up promptly at 3pm. All in all, it was a good shift.

When I got home, my wonderful landlady had left me a plate of Thanksgiving food. YUM! Later she brought me slices of pie. YUMMMMMM! I spent the afternoon and evening watching movies, writing and reading.

It was a good day. I am thankful for my friends, family, health, apartment, cats (despite Sammy's antics), living in the USA (despite some of our President's policies) and having the freedom to agree or disagree. Thankful for food on the table and clothes on my back. Thankful for a car. Heat for the apartment. The trees that help us breathe. The animals and plants that provide me food and entertainment. Church. Starbucks coffee. Laughter. Water. Computers. Money I can save to travel and spend. Clients. A job.

I can honestly say in retrospect, that I am even thankful for Client Flintsone and Rep N. Though it was a painful process and I wasted months being bitter and resentful, I have learned from that experience. I am thankful for that.

So, think of the things you can be thankful for. There are so many more things I could list, but I hope you get the picture.

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