August 16, 2008

The end of the week - trivia, bring green, shopping, movies, Olympics

Thursday was trivia night. My team has grown to about 10 people, mostly work people and Catherine. Kyle brought his friend Shane, who I had met in July. Patrick W. and his wife, also named Catherine, brought co-worker Greg. There were about 4 others there. We placed in the top 5 out of about 30 teams. Afterwards, we went down to the waterfront. The weather was really great. I had two apple martinis and had a nice vodka headache Friday.

Work Friday was pretty busy. It's a little stressful, but I went with a friend to watch our CEO play in a tennis tourney doubles with another co-worker. It was really fun to watch. I think it was my first tennis game in person. The CEO's team won. there were about 8 of us from work who showed up. And they had free pizza and salad for us, as our company was one of the main sponsors (being a charity event).

Today started out really slowly. I watched a movie, did some dishes, watched some Olympics. The my friend Catherine picked me up and we went to see Pineapple Express starring Seth Rogen and James Franco. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much at the movies. Sure it's a pretty typical buddy movie with lots of swearing and drug references (I only mention this for anybody who is sensetive to that), but I think it's the best thing James Franco has ever done. There are those moments when the subject matter is so wrong and not PC, it's funny. Some of the dialogue is just so freaking awesome. I would almost see this again.

After the movie, I left Catherine to go on her merry way and went to the City Market co-op. It's a natural foods store and right next door to the movie theater. I checked out the bus schedule and found I had about 35 minutes to shop before the last bus by my house. I was in much need of groceries as I had run out of all fresh food and was down to my canned goods. I bought some really good looking veggies like Swiss Chard, nectarines, onions, bananas. I had a hankering for burritos so I got the fixings for that too. I walked a few blocks to the bus station and only had about 10 minutes to wait. The bus dropped me off a block and a half from my house, which is really convenient. This is the first time I have done major grocery shopping since I got rid of my car. It was great. It gives me confidence for future grocery shopping events. I know I don't need to ask anybody for a ride.

Friday and today have been good no car days. Convenient bus riding and rides from friends. I also learned about a car sharing program that is coming in September. I hope I can hold out that long so I can at least try the program. As of today, I am telling myself that yes, I CAN go without a car. Complaining like I did last week about friends and getting rides I feel today is silly. Of course, I will probably complain about the car thing soon enough. But for now, I am ready to go to start the fall season without a car.

Olympics - So Michael Phelps has won 7 medals in Beijing. It has been awesome to watch. Tonight he has his last event. Might win #8. For now he is tied with Mark Spitz for most medals in one Olympic and already is the most medaled sportsman in the Olympic history. The diving and track and field have been pretty great to watch too. Tonight they have the women's marathon on. I can't believe the running outfits they wear. They look like tankinis. I have such a great time watching the Olympics. I just can't get enough of it. I think I might go swimming on Monday after work.

I am inspired.

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