August 09, 2008

All About My Mother Part 2

NOTE: This is part 2 of a series about the last few hours of my mom's life. To read the first part, see the posting on 7/12/08

January 9, 2008:
During her last 27 hours with me, Mom had several really lucid moments. She rarely spoke complete sentences, but would give responses here and there, which I am glad to have had with her. For the most part, she laid down on her side, oxygen tubes in place. There were many times when I was watching her when she seemed to be dreaming something wonderful. She was always a mumbler and massive snorer but in this moment, she would giggle here and there. One of our friends said maybe she's seeing Heaven. We will never know. A few days before I came, she had told my dad and brother that she was ready to go - half way between here and there, she had said. She knew it was time for her to go. I find it fascinating and amazing what people experience before death. At the same time I think Mom was waiting for all of us to be there and for us to tell her she could go. That would come in the next day.

For now, I was spending time just holding her hand, stroking her arm and back. Talking to her without expecting response. Sitting or laying near her just to be there. Every few hours, we would give her pain medication. Bob was in charge of that while I think Dad was having such a hard time with this he stayed out of her room most of that time. Bob would crush up the pill and put it in about an ounce of water. Between him, Aunt Gail and I we would sit Mom up and she willingly took the medication. She would go back to sleep or whatever that place was she was in.

Merry and Dwight arrived in the evening and spent time alone with Mom. I can't really remember what I did when I wasn't in the room with her. Sitting numb in the livingroom or kitchen, talking with Dad, Bob and Aunt Gail. Our friends Dr. Becky and Judy came over to be with Mom and us. They are both therapists, and have known our family for years. It was really great to have them around. Judy and Mom were very good friends and I know it was hard on Judy to say good bye to her friend of 43 years.

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