August 24, 2008

Barking dog. 4:00am, Barking dog. 5:00am

I woke up to hear a really loud dog barking at 4 in the morning. The dog barked for a good 20 minutes. There were times when the bark sounded like the dog was in pain. It finally stopped. In my mind I am thinking that there was a break in or something. But I went back to sleep, after about a half hour. Then it started again. Barking dog almost to the exact minute that he did it before. I listened and waited. It continued, so I went to my window and saw that there was a police car out front. The officer was standing about 12 feet from what looked like a boxer/pit pull black and white dog. The officer gets back in the car and drove off after the dog took off. But then the dog started barking again. I called the police station (don't worry, I didn't call 911.) because I didn't know what to do about the dog. It was barking so much I couldn't sleep. I even told the officer on the phone I was sorry to call about a dog, but didn't know what else to do. The dog was quiet for the rest of the morning and I got a little more sleep.

Today has been such a boring day with the exception of the men's water polo game at the Olympics. I even checked my work email. THAT'S how bored I am. I asked several people to go to the movies, and nobody was available. I might just go by myself.

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