May 31, 2006

Thank the stars - Brangelina's baby has arrived!

It's been a long time in coming, but finally Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have had their baby. It's a girl. From what I can gather, the name Shiloh Nouvel means something like "new Messiah". Though I can't put all the math together, does this mean she is the anti-Christ? Afterall, Shiloh and Nouvel are both six letters. But it's the last name that has me. Between Jolie-Pitt, it's only 9 letters.

The world can now continue to revolve now that the Cruises and Pitts have birthed their babies. Interesting that they are both girls. I guess girls are all the rage. Three people I know have had girls this year.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Let's not forget about that sweet boy Kyan you met!!!!

Mrs. Han Solo said...

Kyan is the boy exception to this batch of females. And he is a bright, shining star in my mind. Only wish his mama would send me a pic! ;-)