September 07, 2008

Messy room, messy mind

This weekend I did go out and have some fun. I went to support Company X at a wiffleball charity tournament. That was a blast. (Photos to follow).

But the rest of the time I have spent being depressed. So many reasons for it ranging from missing my mother to not excercising. A large chunk of it has to do with my freaking messy room. It's a disaster. So clean it! I am too depressed to, lame as it sounds. So it won't fix itself. I think back to when Merry and I cleaned up Mom's room with gusto. Maybe if I clean my place with the mindset that I am cleaning up a dead person's apartment, I would be more inspired to clean. Make no mistake that I am wishing I was dead. Just wishing I could magically clean my room like Samantha on "Bewitched". Wrinkle my nose and - BAM the house is clean. Part of my lack of motivation to clean is with the exception of actual trash, I have no place to dump the stuff I don't want. Other reasons for depression - I am tired of not having a car on the weekend. I really hope the car sharing program that is starting up soon helps alieviate this pain. I want to be able to go out and meet up with friends. I want to be able to jump in my car and go to the movies, shopping or to take a nice drive. I am still glad to not have a car payment, insurance or pay for gas. Really I am.

I am really feeling like crap and might just go to bed. Yes, it's almost 7pm.

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