May 10, 2005

It's been a week since my last post...

... and I am damn busy, so lay off! Here's a recap of the week.

Last week I had the opportunity to see Savion Glover (dancer, director, choreographer)perform at the Flynn. It was a great oppportunity. I had a pretty good seat. He performed with a jazz quintet and, in the second half of the program he was joined by three other dancers. It was neat hearing and watching him play off the musicians. He was a musician. I don't want to be cheesy and say it was magical, but it was really cool. I wish more people appreciated dance. He is so damn talented. I remember YEARS ago seeing him in Tap, which starred Gregory Hines. He has a really interesting style to his dancing. It's raw and wild. A little crazy at times. Very controlled at other times. There were times when he looked so serious and other times when he looked like he was really enjoying himself. It was so much fun to see.

Bowling - we lost the last game, but got pizza and I got a really nice compliment from the winning team. The winning team we played two times. It was a mom, dad, adult daughter and son-in-law/boyfriend. Pretty serious players compared to us. I rarely saw the daughter smile. After they got their trophies, I went up to them and congratulated them. The mom said to me that she thought I should get a prize. I asked,"What for? For being the most obnoxious and spastic?" She said,", no. For being the most... how can I describe it?" Her daughter chimed in,"Most enthusiastic?" "Well, that's close, but not quite what I was thinking." (I know they thought I wa a spazz.) Then she said,"It was really fun watching you each week. You have so much energy [ed note: ADD!!] and it was always a kick to see what you would do." Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Awe, that was niceish of her. True, if it wasn't holding the ball up like a trophy, or petting it and asking the spirit of Ralph Machio to help out, I would put a style to my lunge or something. One woman said,"It must be really fun to work with you." (Which, I am sure, it is. Right? ha ha!) It was a fun night. I also got my ball (photo coming soon.) Now I am in the big league.

On the whole, the week was pretty uneventful. In fact, work was so busy, that's all I could think about. I dreamed about work. I did have a strange dream last week where I was going to my class reunion (really happening this year). Kenna (from high school) and Angie (from college) were about 12 months pregnant (both have multiple children in real life). They were folding laundry which was attached to a gymnasium where the reunion preparations were going on. But when I went into the gym, there were a bunch of old basketball alums. Some of them I knew from high school, others it was just understood they had gone to my high school. Then it all went down hill from there when I was accused of stalking one of them. I was brought out into the laundry room where box upon box, file upon file was placed on a table with "evidence" dating back YEARS of my apparent stalking. Even empty bags of chips and reciepts from hotels were presented as evidence. It was embarassing. With the class reunion coming in July, I am curious to see who will be there. My posse and I are planning on being there. I don't expect to be able to take much time off of work, but I really want to go. I am in touch with a few of the gals from high school.

Last weekend - I worked on Saturday for about 7 hours and Sunday saw a bunch of movies, including "This is the Army" on DVD, "Upside of Anger", and "Crash". "Upside of Anger" was really well done and Kevin Costner wasn't too annoying. I thought the acting was pretty good. But "Crash" was excellent. Great story about racism and redemption. It had a great cast, good story, and took place in Los Angeles, though there really weren't many scenes of LA.

California - I am leaving Friday for CA. I can't wait! I am so excited to see my friends, family and cats. I miss them all so much. I like it here, but it's just lonely. I miss being able to go over to a friend's house to hang out, watch movies, go out to eat.... I know that will come in time.

Spring - Spring is here. Today is a GORGEOUS day out. I wish I wasn't in an office.

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