July 27, 2008

This week in review...

Monday - After work, Carrie and I went to see Elton John at the Champlain Valley Expo Center. Carrie waited 2 hours in line for tickets a few months ago. Though our tickets weren't together, we both had a great time. I even got busted (a little) for capturing some of the concert on my mobile phone. ha ha ha (Pictures coming soon)

Monday - Friday - Carpooling is going great. I get to work right around 8am and leave around 5. Two times this week I was delayed at the end of the day and Dora kindly waited. The buses around here don't run past 6:30, so I really can't leave much later that that. I could walk home if I miss my ride or the bus, but I really have no reason to work late either. Though when the weather is hot, it's nice to work in an air-conditioned office. Work is going well, though a little stressful. All of my clients want to launch their websites at the same time - the end of the month. I have to really work hard at focusing on working "smarter not harder", as we say all the time at work.

Thursday - Every so often, I go to trivia night at one of the local bars. It's been really fun. There's a group of us that with our combined powers (and a little extra help - thanks Doug) we have been doing okay. I have a friend who's team tries to beat us, but we have whipped them for the last three weeks. This past week, we won the first round of questions!! I was super excited.

The weekend - Jen toted me around this weekend so I could test drive some cars and do some much needed errands like getting a rice cooker. My rice cooker of 6 years died. I had a great time test driving and feel it will really help me make a good decision when I do want to get a car. The weather was really nice which was great considering it has been really rainy and icky for the last two weeks. A little bit of sunshine lifts my spirits so much.

I am looking forward to this week because of more trivia and two softball games with some of my favorite work people.

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