March 04, 2006

New Chiropractor, Flintstone, Oscar things

Yestersay morning I went to a new chiropractor, suggested by a co-worker. Though I didn't actually see the xrays, she said that there was a slight deterioration on my lower spine and a slight scoliosis. Yikes. I think with all of the falls I have had, it's a good thing I go. Plus, my neck has lost it's curve. Ah - to be young again. Anyhow, our insurance enables me to go 12 times witha $20 co-pay, which isn't too bad.

Client Flintstone is going so slowly. They still haven't picked a design. I keep finding new things to have our tech team add and republish, which I know is frustrating for them. I need to really start migrating content over from their old sites, but there are other things we have to do first. It's very frustrating. I know Client Dutch and the other big one were also painful. It's just par for the course. I know in 10 weeks, I will be feeling so much better about it, because it will be LIVE.

The Oscars are tomorrow. I think there will be about 16-20 people there. That is sooo cooooool!!! I am super excited. I wish I didn't have to work at the gstore tonight. I would sit at home and watch movies. I have two that I would like to have done by Monday, but I don't see that happening.

OOh - My friends VeAnn and Michael are due to have their baby any moment, any day now. I am so excited. I have been working on a baby blanket for them.

Alex is off in Alaska now to see the Iditerod. I am so excited for him as well. That is an awesome opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kaye-- I love catching up with you through your blog. Deb