June 29, 2008

Good bye, my Taurus, my friend

This past week I said good-bye to my long time friend and companion, my 1996 Ford Taurus. I had it for 10 years. This past week I had some engine trouble that sounded alot like transmission trouble. I brought it into the mechanic to get an assessment. He said that with 162,000 miles, even HE wouldn't fix it. It would cost me between $2-3k to fix. Not worth it. For that price, I could put a deposit on a new or newer car. So, my friend Carrie helped me clean it out and take the title over to Good News Garage, a company that will take any car living or dead and fix it or sell it to give the money or refurbished cars to needy people. It's a tax write-off, which is great.

Here's a little bit about my car...
  • I got it when I was working at Disney Online
  • It held 7 people for a brief ride once
  • It was a nice purpley gray
  • It held alot of stuff
  • I drove it across the country - over 3,000 miles
  • I only took it to the car wash 2 times since I moved to VT
  • It liked to unlock its doors for no particular reason
It was a good car. Did well for me. My plan now is to walk and take the bus as much as possible. It's a little inconvenient to not have a car, but it isn't the end of the world. I want to see if I can last all summer without a car. Walking will be not only better environmentally, but give me some good old fashioned excercise. I took the bus three times last week and will buy a bus pass this week. I am looking forward to riding the bus. It will also help me leave work at a reasonable time.

Good bye, my Taurus. You were a great car. Thanks for all the good times.


Unknown said...

you were a good taurus, you will be missed. :(

Rebecca said...

Remember your little red(i think it was) car you had at disney, almost like a little yugo