July 04, 2007

Aimless - oh how the the world turns....

So after feeling rather shmucky, I ended up baking cookies for DG and gave him a note of thanks and appology. I think it's all better and I won't do that ever again to him. Lesson learned.

Yesterday (Happy July 4th today, by the way) I had a big shocker. In the morning, I spoke with Rep C and we went over some issues. He and I felt that we needed to talk to his boss about Rep J's lack of support. An HOUR later, I get an email saying Rep C was terminated!! OMIGAWD.
  • What happend?
  • Does this mean I now have to work all the time with Rep J?
  • Am I going to be removed from the project?

I soon spoke with Rep C (and Rep J)'s boss, S said that Rep C was let go because he just didn't meet the expectations of this project. (I found that to be a little bit pathetic, but said nothing.) Then I got a call from Rep J. He pretty much said the same thing then started bossing me around and telling me what I need to do to make them happy.

Later that day... Rep C calls me to thank me for the good work I did on his project. He had a different version of what happened. He said that S and Rep J are childhood friends and when Rep C told Rep J he was insane, Rep J lost it. Called S to get Rep C fired. In any event, Rep C is gone and there is a new guy, Mini Rep J. What's with these people getting lackies that have the same name? My first two conversations with Mini Rep J went well, though Rep J was on the second call and was rude, obnoxious and had all kinds of things to say.

What a fun time I am going to have now!

1 comment:

wehotom said...

So was this someone at your company or at the client? Sounds like nothings changed.