June 20, 2007

Would you ever...

Okay, I have so much to blog about but don't really have time right now. I still want to post pics from LAST FALL when I went to CA. I have oodles to tell about the month of May and June. I went to Austin, I had a surprise bday party. Jasime and Aladdin broke up. So much to say. However, there is something on my mind at the moment. One of those "would you ever..." moments....

If you were in a bathroom (public or at a home not your own) and you saw an early pregnancy test kit in the trash can, would you check it to see the results? Even if you didn't know the woman who left it?

I have to confess, I did check. Before you gross out, I didn't touch the stick with my hand. That's gross. I was at the g-store and there was a kit in the trash (most likely stolen). The stick said NO BABY. Good for them?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ummm, i don't know what i would do but .... weird. and get to bloggin missy!! geesh
