August 08, 2007

Bad blogger, bad....

Sadly, I have practically fallen off the face of the blogging. That is in part because I don't have internet connection at home. Also, I have been in client-project hell, then I was also out of the country for a few weeks.

I have also recently had some trouble at work and felt that I needed to restrict my blog to friendly folk. I might lift the restricted access ban, but for now, I feel it is in my best interest to hve it. Of course, I am writing this at work now and probably have some kind of tracker on my computer documenting my every click. It will be better once I get my DSL at home, which I am hoping happens in the next few weeks....

So much to blog about.... work, Europe, movies, reading, life. I promise I will resume writing soon. Thanks for your patronage and keep on checking in!

1 comment:

wehotom said...

Europe? Pictures!