August 09, 2006

Memorial Day weekend Part 3 of 3

Finally, the last installment of Memorial Weekend. Sheesh! It's only been three months. Imagine all the other blogging I have to do. I have much to catch you up on.

Here's the end of my Memorial Day story...
The next day, we packed a lunch and drove out to meet up with some of Amanda's family at Fort Knox. Fort Knox, you say? YES! THE (other) Fort Knox. There are two. Both named after the same general. Only this one was never quite finished. It was built in the late 1800's during the Civil War. I guess to keep the French out? There are role-playing recreations conducted there. I think reinactments are big here on the East and in the South. I never hear about people doing that in Southern California. Maybe because we aren't so proud of running out the Indians, Spanish and French? I don't know. ANyhow, the fort was really neat. We walked all aound it, inside, on top, underground. There were lots of parts that were really creepy. You could feel the dead people haunting it. It would be a good place to go back to with a flashlight. There were some parts that were pitch black. Between Amanda, Stephanie and I, we took lots of really good pictures. Though Amanda's family never showed up, we still had a good time. We had a nice picnic overlooking a river.

On the way back, Stephanie and I found a few more things on our scavenger hunt. For my birthday, they took me out to dinner and gave me a photo album with prints from the trip! I would really like to go back there soon.

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