February 10, 2006

To Stephanie and Alex

I feel that I really need to be honest here. I was pissed at myself and PMSing (the latter is still happening) when I blogged about stopping my writing because I am not capable of writing (or whatever I was ranting about.) The reality is I was having a juvenile jealous moment over my friends' writings. They are great writers. Though I don't think I am a great writer (yet) I know I have moments of good and interesting writing. (For heaven's sake - I blogged when my back went out! Damn I am a WONDER!)

I am sorry and I appologize to you.


Stephanie said...

Seriously, no apology necessary, Kaye. :)

Everyone blogs differently, no?

Anonymous said...

not quite sure what you're apologizing for...?

Mrs. Han Solo said...

Just applogizing for being such a lamer.