April 12, 2007

Touch Test - Day 1

Have you ever noticed how often you touch or are touched by people? The passing of change to a waiter, the fingers touch. Patting a friend on the back. Hugging your mom/dad/friend. I read a study ages ago in a Glamour-esque magazine that conducted a test with a few women around the world. They reported for a week how often they interacted (touched or were touched). The results as far as I remember, was that the Japanese woman was touched the least, whereas the woman from Mexico was touched the most. The Americans were divided by their ethnic backgrounds - the Italian-American got lots of hugs and touches, but the English-American didn't.

So, here's my test. Yesterday I touched people. No return touches. KS = 3x (poking at him 2x, slap 1x). RF = 1x (he doesn't like the hugging thing, so I poked him in the arm.)

I think I will do this for a week to see how often it happens. If you are a co-worker reading this, don't try to upset the test. If you are not normally touchy with me, don't start now. :-) I am just curious to see what happens.

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